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    Annual Outing Meeting Minutes
    June 24, 2023
    The meeting was called to order at 6:15 p.m. at Bixler’s property outside Atlantic City, Wyoming during the annual outing.
    Board Members present were: Jim Brines (President), Shawn Raymond (Vice President), Jacque Stoldt (Treasurer), Deb Palmer.  There were 26 members, 1 guest, and 5 children at the meeting.
    Jacque Stoldt read the meeting minutes from the June 10, 2023 meeting.  Paula Jones motioned to accept the minutes as read.  Shawn Raymond seconded the motion.  All ayes; motion passed.
    Correspondence: None
    Jacque Stoldt read the treasurer’s report. Paula Jones motioned to accept the treasurer’s report as read.  Shawn Raymond seconded the motion.  All ayes; motion passed.
    Officer/Committee Reports
    Bridgebuster Claim: It seems that there is nothing to be done about losing the claim. Two Association members were filing an intent to claim over the Association for the last 3 years.  When there was a slip-up last fall, they then got to claim it before the Association knew it had been missed.  Keith will take it off the website.
    Bylaws: A discussion ensued about amending the bylaws to include a section giving the ability to remove members from the Association if they violate rules, including a rule about not being able to file over the top of the Association.
    There was discussion about changing the password on the members only part of our website.  Bob is going to do some research about people filing intents to claim on our other claims.
    MINING REPORTS MUST BE TURNED IN TO THE CLAIM AGENT!!!! Robert Platzer is the Claim Agent and he must have mining reports in order to do the annual claim reports.  Every time a member does any work on a claim, they must file a mining report.  These can be found on the website.  We are also going to work on updating the mining report to make it available as a Word document, so that it can be emailed or texted to the Claim Agent.
    We need to make sure that corner markers are up and in good shape on all of our claims.  They also need to have labels. A committee was formed to get them done.  They will need to spend a little money on posts and materials. Robert Platzer motioned to form the sub-committee of volunteers to get this done.  Will Stoldt seconded the motion.  All ayes; motion passed. The members of the committee are Bob Platzer, Will Stoldt, Shawn Raymond, John Mowrey, Terry Anderson, and Randy Hutchison.
    Old Business: None
    New Business:
    Stamps/Email: The cost of stamps is going up again in July.  Jacque brought up the idea of emailing meeting minutes and other correspondence to members.  There was a heated discussion
    There will be a mini-outing after the meeting at the Common Wealth Claim. We will stop at other claims along the way to check on stakes and show new members.  Bring water and/or a drywasher.
    The meeting was adjourned at 7:24 p.m.


    about this topic.  Going digital would save a lot of money each month.  Some members think this is a good idea to save money and paper.  Others think this is a bad idea, that some members don’t get email. There will be more discussion on this topic at the August meeting.
    Trailers/Signs/Dirt: Deb Palmer motioned to pay each person who hauled trailers and dirt for the outing the same as last year. Kathy Irvin seconded the motion.  All ayes; motion passed.
    Officer Elections: We began to take nominations for all Officer positions.  These include President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.  THERE WERE NO NOMINATIONS FOR PRESIDENT OR SECRETARY. The Association can not stay active without officers.  Robert Platzer motioned to table the officer elections until the next meeting, to give everyone time to think about the positions and step up if they can. Deb Palmer seconded the motion.  All ayes; motion passed.
    The next meeting will be on August 12th, 2023 at 9 a.m.  It will be held at the state road graders across from the highway department building at the intersection of Dickinson Ave. and Atlantic City Rd.