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  • Wyoming Prospectors Association ~ P.O. Box 1269 ~ Riverton, WY 82501


    Regular Meeting Minutes
    May 13, 2023
    The meeting was called to order at 10:03 a.m. at the Miner’s Grubstake in Atlantic City, Wyoming.
    Officers present were: Jim Brines (President), Shawn Raymond (Vice President), Jacque Stoldt (Treasurer).  There were 22 members and 1 guest at the meeting.
    Jacque Stoldt read the treasurer’s report.  Shawn Raymond motioned to accept the treasurer’s report as read.  Kathy Irvin seconded the motion.  All ayes; motion passed.
    Jacque Stoldt read the meeting minutes from the April 8, 2023 meeting.  Deb Palmer motioned to accept the minutes as read.  Shawn Raymond seconded the motion.  All ayes; motion passed.
    Correspondence: The annual invoice for the Post Office box was received this month.  Jacque will get a check signed today and take that in next week.
    Officer/Committee Reports:  Rocky Mountain RV is going to replace the roof on the trailer.  It will be a metal roof with 2 vents.  Joyce Raymond wrote a check to them for $2,000 as a down payment.  Shawn Raymond motioned to reimburse Joyce for the $2,000. Micah Parrish seconded the motion.  All ayes; motion passed.
    Old Business:
    Annual Outing: There is still a lot of snow on the mountain.  It should all be melted off by the time the outing comes.  The outing will be at Bixler’s, next to the Bridgebuster, on June 23-25th.  After some discussion about the meat for the dinner, it was decided to purchase 25 lbs. of beef roast and 25 lbs. of pork roast.  We will also get 10 lbs. of hamburgers and one box of ¼ lb. hot dogs.  Randy and Les will do the cooking.  Randy offered to cook breakfast on Sunday. Everyone discussed what we will need to purchase before the outing.  Jacque will order the meat from Clark’s Meats.  She will also call Huff Sanitation to get the port-a-potties ordered. 
    New Business:
    Secretary:  Joyce Raymond resigned from the secretary position effective May 1, 2023.  Jacque volunteered to serve as secretary until the annual outing, when we can vote for a new secretary.
    Public Lands for the People: The annual renewal for our PLP dues is coming due.  We also have 10 books of tickets for their big drawing that they do every year.  If we renew now, we get to send in the tickets with our check and be entered that many times in the drawing.  We have won some cool things in the past, that we were able to use for our raffles and prizes. Shawn Raymond motioned to renew our membership at $150 and send in the tickets. Les Armstrong seconded the motion.  All ayes; motion passed.
    By-laws: Jacque read the proposed changes to the by-laws to all members present.  Randy Hutchison motioned to approve the by-laws as revised.  Robert Platzer seconded the motion.  22 members voted yes, 0 members voted no.  The motion passed unanimously.
    Inventory:  It’s time to purchase supplies for the raffle and outing inventory.  Les Armstrong is dissolving his business and offered to sell his inventory to the Association at cost.  John Farr motioned to purchase Les’ inventory at $1200.  Randy Hutchison seconded the motion.  All ayes; motion passed.
    Trailer Roof:  Shawn Raymond motioned to pay Glen Johnson from Rocky Mountain RV the remaining balance due for the trailer roof replacement after the job has been completed.  Keith Blair seconded the motion.  All ayes; motion passed.
    Jim Brines expressed his desire to step down from being the Association President at the annual outing.  If anyone is interested in stepping up and taking this position, plan to be at the outing, or let an officer know ahead of time.
    Bridgebuster:  During the transition of the Registered Agent from Randy Hutchison to Robert Platzer, there was an error made, and the paperwork for the Bridgebuster Claim didn’t get turned in to renew the claim.  Someone had been filing paperwork over us for the last couple years, so when we defaulted, they were awarded the opportunity to claim it for themselves.  The Association is researching to see if there is any possibility of getting back.  We will keep everyone updated at this progresses.
    The next meeting will be at the Miner’s Grubstake on June 10, 2023.  Breakfast will be served at 9.  Bring $12 if you want to eat!!
    The meeting was adjourned at 11:10 a.m.