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November 9, 2002

Minutes from the November meeting............... 
Thanks to Keith and Rosemary Blair for taking the minutes of this meeting and sending them to me. 
The WPA meeting, which was held at Big Noi, was called to order by President Randy Hutchinson. 
Introduction of all members present followed. A motion was made and seconded to dispense with the reading of last meeting's minutes as the secretary was not present. Motion carried. Treasurer's report was given by Randy in the absence of Pat Armstrong. It was accepted as read and put on file. 

Committee Reports: Government Affairs:-Keith Blair reported that information pertaining to the Jack Marrow Alternatives will be posted on the website, www.wy.blm.gov/jmhcap/jmhindex.htm 

BLM Claims:- No new ones are on file at present. Randy reported that he has done the paperwork on the claims he filed for, but there were 2 out of the 4 that had been invalidated by BLM. He reported that he will take care of clearing up the matter with the BLM. Any new claims that need to be filed will be taken care of when Pat is at the meeting as she is a notary. 
Some of the members stated that they had not received their packets with the maps and information. 
Keith Blair will mail maps to those members. Members may go into the LR 2000 BLM website to search for claim status. That address for the website is, www.blm.gov/lr2000/rptsum.htm <http://www.blm.gov/lr2000/rptsum.htm> 

Old Business: 
Jim Rutter brought up the matter of storing the club's equipment. He stated that there were some new storage sheds that had been built in Atlantic City, if we cannot find an enclosed trailer to put it in on Dan and Barbara's property. Ross stated that he had been talking to Gerrard at the U-haul place in Riverton, (Dent's Auto Repair) and that they do auction these trailers off. He will go and talk to him again and see how we go about possibly getting one for the club. 
Randy stated that the dates for next year's outing will be June 27. 28, and 29 on Jim Rutter's claim, as in previous years 
Randy brought up the fact that the website needed to be updated. He will check with Scott regarding this matter 

New Business: 
Ross suggested that the club members get patches with the WPA logo for their jackets or whatever they wear. He stated that "many other clubs like to trade patches." Randy will check on patches and prices for these items. 
Randy reported that he and Les went to an auction and purchased a little trummel. (work needs to be done on it) He, also, reported that he has been going to a geology class at CWC and that it has been very informative and, if anyone would like to go listen to Dan Hausel, he will be at CWC on Wed. at 7:00 p.m. in the Fine Arts Building, Room 132 discussing Gold in Wyoming. 
The next meeting will be January 11, 2003. It was decided by the membership to hold this meeting in Casper. The Board will make the arrangements. 
A discussion regarding meteorites followed the business meeting. Meeting adjourned at 4:55 p.m. 
If anyone who is missing their cards or map packet, if you would get in touch with me...I will get them to you. 
Thanks again Keith and Rosemary........ 

Connie Aultman 

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